Mental Health America of Georgia

Mental Health America of Georgia

Mental Health America of Georgia or MHA of GA is the primary resource of choice for prevention and early intervention programs, with information, education, and training in mental health and wellness. MHA of GA maintains a strong and viable organization to deliver their mission of an increased mental wellness for Georgians, and advance our vision of mental health. They also influence policy change through education and advocacy, with focus on a individual’s right to live an independent and fulfilling life. For more informaiton you can go to

IAMHOLDENON INC. (IAHO) is an Atlanta based nonprofit arts organization that produces content to uplift the human spirit. IAMHOLDENON creates entertaining and educational content to uplift the human spirit. Our upcoming mental wellness documentary series, HOPE GIVERS, in partnership with the Georgia Department of Education, will highlight hope and resilience across Georgia. We screened our series to 500 educators across the State of Georgia – 98% believe our series will help save young lives. Suicide prevention to IAHO means listening, creating partnerships, and advocating for mandatory mental education in schools in the same manner as we require physical education. To learn more go to .

If you or a loved one is having thoughts of suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255, or dial 911. The Crisis Text Line for Georgia is Text GA to 741741, this is a free 24/7 text line for people in crisis.

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