Organization Highlight – DBHDD

Organization Highlight - DBHDD

Throughout Georgia there are organizations fighting for change daily within suicide prevention. For National Suicide Prevention week, we intend to highlight just a few of these amazing organizations. The first organization we will highlight is The Division of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD). The DBHDD has a Suicide Prevention Program located within the Georgia in the Division of Behavioral Health, Office of Behavioral Health Prevention (OBHP). Through a multi-faceted approach of suicide prevention trainings, public policy, evidence-based interventions, and postvention strategies, the Suicide Prevention team works with government agencies, behavioral health organizations, community partners, non-profit organizations, educators, clinicians, and law enforcement to mitigate suicide attempts and suicide deaths in our state.

DBHDD has even created a 2020-2025 Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan that will serve as a guiding light for everyone in our great state who is passionate about suicide prevention. For more information about the program and the strategic plan go to

If you or a loved one is having thoughts of suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255, or dial 911. The Crisis Text Line for Georgia is Text GA to 741741, this is a free 24/7 text line for people in crisis.

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