Virtual Art Gallery #Art4Prevention
This year for Suicide Prevention Month, V4P has made great strides to spread awareness and celebrate suicide prevention. Today being the last day of Suicide Prevention Month, we at V4P would like to present our virtual art gallery. This virtual art gallery is a combination of pieces submitted to us on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook using the hashtag #Art4Prevention.
V4P asked what does suicide prevention mean to you?
Attached are the wonderful art pieces we received from our members and followers. These pieces are a combination of photos, poems, and drawings. We would like to take a moment to thank all the participants of this year’s Virtual Art Gallery. Please enjoy the amazing art pieces submitted. The raffle winner of the art gallery giveaway will be announced tomorrow.
If you or a loved one is having thoughts of suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255, or dial 911. The Crisis Text Line for Georgia is Text GA to 741741, this is a free 24/7 text line for people in crisis.