Prevention Through Painting & Drawing

Prevention Through Painting & Drawing

During this week’s theme, Prevention Through Art, we are touching on how art can be a source of healing for some. It provides a gateway into a world of your imagination and emotions that is limitless. For today’s art of choice, we will look into the world of painting and drawing; and how these forms of art can provide support in suicide prevention. Creating art, whether through drawing or painting, allows us a chance to express our inner thoughts and truly explore what you may be feeling.

Letting your emotions spill out onto a canvas is a form of release and can bring about reflection on what is causing you anxiety or depression. In the same way painting/drawings can provide you with great release, it can also provide you with a way to disconnect from stress and decompress. The practice of painting and/or drawing requires focus and concentration, providing the room for a person to get lost in thought as they paint/draw.

Voices for Prevention wants to encourage you to take some time out this week to create your own piece of art. Grab a piece of paper or canvas and draw what suicide prevention mean to you? V4P is having a virtual art gallery campaign on our social media to find out what you see suicide prevention as through art. Use the hashtag #Art4Prevention and post a picture of your art on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. When you submit your artwork using the #Art4Prevention, you will automatically be entered to win a V4P raffle prize. All posts using the #Art4Prevention will be highlighted on our website and social media platforms. Our virtual art gallery will stop taking admission on September 28th. The winner of the giveaway will be announced September 30th on all our social media platforms and website. We cannot wait to see what you create!

If you or a loved one is having thoughts of suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255, or dial 911. The Crisis Text Line for Georgia is Text GA to 741741, this is a free 24/7 text line for people in crisis.

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